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Looking After Hair Extensions:The Professional’s Guide by Zen Hair Extensions

Updated: Jan 10

Looking After Hair Extensions: The Professional’s Guide by Zen Hair Extensions

Hair extensions have become a staple in modern hairdressing, offering clients a way to

achieve length, volume, and a flawless finish. For professionals, ensuring clients

maintain their extensions properly is key to maximising their lifespan and preserving the

health of their natural hair. At Zen Hair Extensions, they not only provide high-quality

professional hair extensions but also the expertise and products to help hairdressers

guide their clients through the aftercare journey.

Here is an expert guide to looking after extensions, packed with tips from the Zen Hair

team and insights from their Managing Director, Johnny Yip.

Washing and Drying Extensions

Washing extensions properly is fundamental to their maintenance. Over washing or

incorrect techniques can lead to tangling, dryness, and even damage to the bonds.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

Frequency Matters: Extensions should only be washed 1-2 times a week to minimise

wear and tear. Always advise your clients to detangle their hair and separate the bonds

before washing.

Technique is Key: When washing, emphasise smoothing shampoo down the

extensions rather than rubbing. Rubbing can cause tangling and matting. Conditioner

should only be applied from the mid-lengths to the ends—avoiding the bonds entirely.

Drying the Right Way: After washing, clients should apply a serum or oil to damp hair

for added hydration. Bonds should always be dried first, using a cool setting on the

hairdryer to prevent heat damage.

As Johnny Yip says, “The key to long-lasting extensions is treating them with care at

every stage. Our Zen Aftercare range is specifically designed to work with our

extensions, ensuring optimal results.”

Brushing and Detangling

Extensions require gentle handling, especially when brushing. The wrong tools or

techniques can damage bonds or cause shedding.

Zen Hair Brush

Choose the Right Brush: Only use an extensions brush, designed to glide over bonds without snagging them.

Support the Bonds: Clients should hold the bonds while brushing to reduce tension on

their natural hair.

Consistency is Crucial: Whether wet or dry, brushing extensions regularly prevents

tangles and keeps hair looking its best.

Styling Extensions Safely

Heat styling can be transformative but also risky for extensions if not managed correctly.

Hairdressers should educate their clients on these styling principles:

Keep Heat Away from Bonds: Heat weakens the bonds, so clients should always avoid

direct heat near attachment points.

Always Use Heat Protection: A heat protectant is essential for minimising damage to

both extensions and natural hair.

Respect the Hair: Extensions may feel robust, but overuse of heat tools can shorten

their lifespan. Clients should treat them as they would their own hair—if not better!

The Importance of Maintenance Appointments

Regular maintenance appointments are a non-negotiable part of the extension lifecycle.

Hairdressers should set clear expectations with clients about the schedule and purpose

of these visits.

Micro Ring Extensions (I-Tip)

Uplift Appointments: Every 8 weeks, micro rings should be reopened, and extensions

moved back to their original position. Unlike U-Tip extensions, no new hair or bonds are


Full Ring Replacement: After 16 weeks, all extensions should be removed, shedding

cleared, and new rings fitted.

Tape Extensions

Every 8-10 Weeks: Maintenance involves removing extensions, clarifying the client’s

hair, and cleaning the tapes. New adhesive is applied before refitting. While timeintensive,

this process ensures a secure and long-lasting result.

Pre-Bonded Extensions (U-Tip)

6-10 Week Check-ins: These appointments often require replacing some bonds with

new hair. Extensionists also address any weak or matted bonds to maintain overall


Weft Extensions (Nano Weft/Ultimate Weft)

Intermediate Maintenance: Every 5-7 weeks, wefts are lifted, shedding removed, and

rings tightened.

Full Maintenance: Involves complete removal and refitting for optimal scalp health and

hair extension longevity.

As Johnny explains, “Regular maintenance isn’t just about the extensions—it’s about

protecting the client’s natural hair. Educating your clients on the importance of these

appointments builds trust and ensures repeat business.”

Zen Hair’s Aftercare Range

Hairdressers often serve as the first point of education for clients, and Zen Hair’s

aftercare products are designed to simplify this process. Recommending the right

products is critical to maintaining extensions’ quality:

Zen Aftercare Products

Zen Shampoo and Conditioner: Sulphate-free and gentle, these are specially

formulated to work with Zen extensions, preserving their softness and shine.

Zen Mask: Ideal for deep conditioning, this mask helps combat dryness and extend the

life of extensions.

Zen Extensions Brushes: Designed to glide through hair without damaging bonds,

these brushes are a must-have for every extension wearer.

Re:Bond Molecular Hair Science: A revolutionary product for strengthening hair and

bonds, ensuring your clients enjoy long-lasting results.

Re:Bond Molecular Hair Science

Empowering Hairdressers with Knowledge

As hairdressers, your expertise is invaluable in helping clients get the most from their

extensions. By sharing proper care techniques and recommending high-quality

products like those in the Zen Aftercare range, you can ensure their investment in

extensions is well-protected.

Zen Hair Extensions offers comprehensive training and resources to help hairdressers

build confidence in extension care.

Johnny sums it up best, “At Zen, we’re not just about selling extensions—we’re about

building a partnership with hairdressers. Together, we can deliver exceptional results to

clients, every time.”


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